Payout's API is available in two functional and similar environments: Sandbox and Production. Let me explain each one:
The Sandbox environment is a testing environment that allows merchants and Monnet Integrator to perform integration tests of the fund dispersal API without affecting the production environment.
The Sandbox environment has a specific test URL that is used to send requests to the fund dispersal API in the Sandbox environment. The URL for the Sandbox environment is:
It is important to note that any transactions made in the Sandbox environment will not affect real accounts or transactions in the Production environment.
The Production environment is the environment where live transactions are executed. After performing and testing the integration in the Sandbox environment, the migration process to Production should be carried out so that merchants can start using the fund dispersal API in a real Production environment.
Migration from Sandbox to Production
To migrate from Sandbox to Production, the following steps should be followed:
Conduct extensive testing in the Sandbox environment: Before migrating to Production, it is important to conduct extensive testing in the Sandbox environment to ensure that everything works correctly.
Request the migration: Once the merchant is comfortable with the integration in the Sandbox environment, they should request the migration to Production from the Monnet Integrator.
Conduct integration testing in the Production environment: Once migrated to Production, integration testing should be conducted in the Production environment to ensure that everything works correctly in the real Production environment.
It is important to note that any transactions made in the Production environment will affect real accounts and transactions. Therefore, it is important to conduct extensive testing in the Sandbox environment before migrating to Production.
Last updated